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EXILE 5.42

Dixon Place

March 2016

舞台劇跨語言界限 改寫大案講囚犯人權 — 香港蘋果日報  Apple Daily News HK

March 3, 2016




紐約劇飆台語 大寮監獄6囚案搬上舞台 — 台灣蘋果日報 Apple Daily News TW

March 12, 2016


目前擔任紐約生活劇團(The Living Theatre)藝術協理的李岳燁,畢業於台灣師範大學英語系、紐約大學表演藝術研究碩士後,專職從事外百老匯獨立劇場工作及劇場導演,本周李岳燁與舞台設計陳幼欣等四名台灣劇場人參與第六屆Dream Up戲劇節演出,李岳燁表示,自己從小就愛政治劇場,來到紐約之後,發現劇場講求賣票、娛樂,令他萌生執導《(新)審判》的念頭:「藝術間也有階級……人與人之間存在權力關係,改變它,就是改變社會的開始」。

Dixon Place Presents EXILE 5.42 Tonight — Broadway World

March 3, 2016


Continuing the legacy and aesthetics of the Living Theatre, "Exile 5.42" is an experimental political theatre project. Its politicality lies in and denotes the coercion to the performers and the audience to return to the very belief in humanity, which, living in such crooked power-relation complex, we have abandoned.

EXILE 5.42, A Work-In-Progress Project — Tisch School of the Arts, NYU

February 22, 2016


“Exile 5.42” will take a closer look at the incident, pointing out the struggles of the incarcerated and examining the penological system. This new project “Exile 5.42” will be presented by Dixon Place on March 3rd at 7:30pm as a work-in-progress project.

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